SINM 2024 Schedule

Duration Start Finish Speaker Title Type
10 09:00 09:10   Welcome  
20 09:10 09:30 Leto Peel Detectability of Minority Communities in Networks Contributed
20 09:30 09:50 Raunak Dey Multimodal inference in virus-host infection networks from population dynamics Contributed
20 09:50 10:10 Pierre Miasnikof The δ test, a statistical test to assess clusterability Contributed
20 10:10 10:30 Francesca Giuffrida Effects of ensemble non-equivalence on network model selection Contributed
  10:30 11:00   COFFEE (time fixed by organizers)  
45 11:00 11:45 Zachary Lubberts Joint Spectral Clustering in Multilayer Degree-Corrected Stochastic Blockmodels Invited
45 11:45 12:30 Alex Hayes Estimating network-mediated causal effects via spectral embeddings Invited
  12:30 14:00   LUNCH (time fixed by organizers)  
20 14:00 14:20 Filippo Zimmaro Ferromagnetic Ising model on multiregular random graphs Contributed
45 14:20 15:05 Roger Guimera Network inference for new problems: Network alignment and machine science Invited
45 15:05 15:50 Matthew Eichhorn Causal Inference under Low-Order Interference Invited
  16:00 16:30   COFFEE (time fixed by organizers)  
45 16:30 17:15 Giovanni Petri A Higher-Order Lens for Social Systems Invited
30 17:15 17:45 All invited spearkers Discussion panel Invited